Tuesday, February 2, 2010

!@#$% Facts:Number 1

You know,we live for so many years already in the world,but I know most of us still didn't realize there are alot of !@#$% facts.What do I means about !@#$% facts?They are those facts which will absolutely make you miserable.Thus,below are the first Fact that I discover few years ago and I name it..."Say will die,Shut up also will die".Let me present you some short stories that will show how !@#$% the fact is(if long story ,I afraid you all will sleep)

A night before a couple to getting married,the "not yet" wife call her "not yet" husband to remind him something about tomorrow wedding schedule.The husband answer the wife that he is not a child anymore and had prepare this wedding very carefully from the very first and tell her don't bother him anymore since now is already around midnight.The wife then didn't bother him anymore until tomorrow wedding ceremony end.(I sure alot of you here were experience this before,that is what ever people told you,you said I know and don't bother me anymore,but when they stop bother you,problems will start happen)..During the dinner of the wedding ceremony,the husband did really forgot about something and the wife know that will happen but she didn't remind him from earlier because she obey his husband not to bother him anymore for his well plan wedding.(I won't tell you what the husband forgot because this may happen if your wife doesn't remind you...I let your wife will tell you during your wedding ).So the husband embarrassed himself during that dinner.After that,the husband sure get very mad about his wife and he even blame his wife not remind him about that and the wife reply him that she just obey what he told her last night...You think this is the end yet?...No,the wife haven't "shoot" his husband yet because he ruined their well plan wedding.And yea, during that night,it is a war night rather than a romantic night..It was like a War between U.S and Vietnam back to 1960s..the wife is U.S while the husband is Vietnam...The result of the war is very clear and who suffer the most after the war...you guess yourself LOL ?The next morning,everything back to normal because the "Dictator" won the war.And now,it time that the husband bother/remind his wife what to do...Everything happen are just same from above,from the wife told his husband stop his blah blah blah till the wife really get into trouble,blame his husband,his husband reply her with dialogue she said last night...And the big differences start here...Another war start again..I sure alot of you will support the husband will win..but no..this time,he had been defeated even badly than last night because his wife"Obliterate" him...

Well alot of you sure have a picture what is "Say will die,Shut up also will die"..(Sorry the story above doesn't show how"Say will die" because it is kind hard to describe in that story.For example,do you ever give advice to some people and they even scold you back badly because they think they are good and you don't have the rights to advice them..something like this)So at the end how...both ways are dead end..you figure it yourself LOL..Since I will only show you the miserable ,not the way to get rid of the miserable Muahahahaha......

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